Hola, er... Betty Cooper-chan! XD
How are you??? It seems like SUCH a long time ago when I saw you last...!!!!! We should get together sometime, and... go, er... save the world from, uh... the EVIL BAD GUY!!! (Who I don't know the name of, hehehe... ^^;)
So now we're superheroes, I guess... cool!! Except don't tell anyone... these are our secret identities!! ^.- (Note: Please ignore the Aerin-chan. She isn't mentally sound, and has no idea as to what she is talking about. Now you may continue reading the rest of the post, heh.)
I dunno what to do...!!! I know, I know!!! Let's go jumping on the trampoline!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
Let's see how long it takes people to freak out, because I'm going jumping with you on the trampoline, okay??? Heeheehee...
You know what? "Trampoline" is too long of a word. It needs a shorter name. Let's call it the "Blue." Lol... I don't think people would understand that... er, then... let's call it... "Line-chan!" (pronounced lean-chan) And this is Aerin-chan, giving trampolines personality! I swear, someday I will read this post and LAUGH INSANELY at my sheer and utter stupidity! ^_^ Happy, happy, joy, joy!!! ^_^
I'll go now... I wanna take the fun quizzes that you took!!!! ^_^
"I believe that on this sort of occasion, it is customary for you to wear a dead plant." (Heh. Ever seen Teen Titans, chan? ^.- The person who says that is an alien, and she's talking about pinning the rose onto the guy's tux for prom... lol...)